san francisco social media manager

A Snow Day That Will Melt Your Heart

This Is How My BFF Got an Instagram Makeover

Five years ago, I was newly engaged when my best friend, heretofore known as BFF (pronounced biff), convinced me to download some app called Instagram. Though I used to be an early adopter of social platforms, somewhere between Xanga and Myspace, I calmed the hell down and stopped using anything other than Facebook. It will help you plan your wedding, she said. You will get tons of info, she said. Little did we know it would lead to an eventual career change for me and a way for me to impact thousands of lives.


My BFF has followed my journey and we've been there for each other for the majority of our lives—since we were 9 years old. Highschool, college in different states, weddings also in different states, and we're still stuck like glue. When she wanted to have a crafting business on the side, I gave her some social strategy tips and encouraged her to create a new Instagram, separate from her private, personal account which she limits because she's now a public school teacher. Crafting and Math Tutoring were the focus, and she wasn't that into it. She and her amazing husband are expecting their first child soon and what better way to stay creative and productive than documenting all of the fun things she's making and planning in anticipation for the little one's arrival?


There was a snowstorm in New Jersey today and many places of business were closed, so my favorite growing family had the day off! Titi Angie was on it with a screen share and a pre-made tutorial. Two hours later, BFF had a new bio, archived any and every off brand post, and reinforced skills and strategies to kick much ass as she stylishly documents the beauty of her new life in a way that feels good to her. I'm certain she will inspire others.  

Here's a Before & After

She went from an account name that was something like @algebra_n3rd to the much more catchy @thecraftymami. I personally cannot wait to see all of the cute and creative things she shares.



Are you interested in an Instagram makeover? For the month of April, I'm offering an Insta Reboot for just $197. You'll get a revised bio, up to 5 branded story highlights, a hashtag user manual, and a guide to curating content that will make your page appealing and easy to manage.

Instagram Posts: 3 Steps to Posting So You'll Never Be Stuck

Instagram is my jam - I help business owners, bloggers, and budding entrepreneurs understand how to use this channel as part of their core marketing strategy. Still, I sometimes get stuck and I'm not sure what to post. If you haven't batched in a while and find yourself here, repost an older piece of content.

1. Captions

After a one-on-one strategy consultation with me, clients are better equipped to manage their online presence. It's a lot of new information at once, and a whole new way of thinking about things. When I do my follow up calls, some of them struggle with writing copy for their amazing images. Here's the thing: your visual is the star of the show, and the copy is the supporting cast. Don't get too hung up on what you're writing. For the most part, it should be concise and succinct. There are 3 go-to captions:

  • Ask a question - this will engage your audience and make your social media account social again
  • Tell a joke. Some people are pun masters and I always appreciate a good dad joke.
  • Write a song lyric! Although, I sometimes feel really out of touch when I comment on a caption that's from a song I've never heard...

165 Likes, 19 Comments - Austie (@austiejordan) on Instagram: ""I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can" @jayz"

Austie is kinda the queen of song lyrics as captions. Maybe she actually credited the artist here because I so often am clueless and asking her questions in the comments...


2. Repurpose Your Content

This was my post from this past Tuesday. I'll make a habit of giving a Content Marketing Tip every Tuesday on Instagram, so be sure to leave me a comment or direct message if you have an issue or problem I can help you solve.

3. K.I.S.S.

Also known as, "keep it simple, s[illy]." (I interpreted that last word to be more positive than the traditional meaning, because name-calling isn't my ~thing~) My favorite quippy caption-generating machine is my friend Talena. This is a perfect example of keeping it simple. Her bright, perfectly laid work area says enough.

130 Likes, 3 Comments - Talena Lyd (@talenalydia) on Instagram: "My cute lil desk"

I hope these tips help you with your future posts! Let me know what else I can help explain or teach you.