Easily Connect MailChimp To Facebook

Email is not dead. 89% of marketers say it's their primary source of lead generation. If you're building your list, it's really important to capture your leads while they cruise social media.

MailChimp is really great with explaining step by step measures to make email automation accessible for everyone. Because there are still people who could use extra guidance, this blog is going to take you step by step through the process MailChimp has helpfully outlined here.

In order to integrate, your Facebook account must be active. Make sure your Facebook Page is set up. 

Tip: You want the same name on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. It ensures that your fans will be able to locate you quickly, as they only have to remember one username.

1. Sign into MailChimp

2. Go to the upper right corner to select Account 

3. Choose Integrations from the horizontal list of options at the top of the screen

4. Facebook will be your second option. Click that section and a Login button will appear


5. Login and give Facebook the necessary permissions.

If you're like me, and you manage several pages, MailChimp will give you a drop down menu so you can select the page and specific list to integrate. You may have to sign into Facebook for this step. Give Facebook the okay in the 3 boxes which pop up.

6. Unless you change the copy, the tab on your Facebook Page will read "Email Signup."

I prefer action words whenever possible, so I opted to alter the text. If your newsletter is specific to promotions or announcements, let them know what they're signing up for! 

Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 5.58.09 PM.png

7. Press Save and "preview on Facebook Page"

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The envelope with a rainbow shooting out is a default design. This is how the signup section will appear on your Facebook Page. There are different ways of changing the design, though that's for another blog.

It's quick and painless to gain more newsletter subscribers. Why wait any longer? Give it a go!